Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Everybody, and all bags, are accounted for.

011278734957394 if you really need to get a hold of us.

Liz's crotch is hurting from the 2-hour camelback ride during her 12-hour layover in Cairo (don't ask).

So, we woke up around 5AM and got some breakfast, only to be told that they only serve juice at breakfast, and we actually have to pay for water. Anyway, that was the last day in Addis.

So we get to the airport, and even though our reservations had confirmed seats, they found a way to put Caleb, Kim, and me in different seats. They said it was because maybe somebody else had kids, and needed to use a bassinet.

After three tries with different people, we finally got our seats back, and there were only two kids on that plane: Caleb and Kim.

Oh, and they double booked my seat, so Senior Simeone from Italia got to sit behind me.

So we get to the airport, get our luggage (we thought they had lost the pak'n plays), get a phone card, get our tickets (a breeze) and proceed to the car rental company. This whole thing took about 2.5 hours.

The car is nice, 6-speed, mid-size SUV, and we packed that sucka to the brim. Then we get on the road, and everything is the other way. Shifting, driving, turning. People are flicking us off because we are on the fast lane driving slowly while the damn Tom Tom loads. Meanwhile, the tuna can we are in is packed to the brim, so every time Kim sees something, Addis can't share in the moment, since there is a gigantic suitcase between. Luckily, the kids are napping because that place would make anybody claustrophobic.

Meanwhile, I am trying to keep the left driving thing in check (Beyonce's To The Left is coming handy), and Yves is still trying to figure out Tom Tom.

We finally made it safely to the B&B. After dinner, we drove around, got some bottles of water and returned to home base where we connected with Liz and Buff.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Lights out.



  1. Has the tribe had one day with semi-normal happenings? Some people have a story about a vacation, you guys have a novel!

  2. What Mike said!
    It's a great thing that you're writing this down because otherwise you'd forget all the charming details. Thanks for taking all of us along on the ride (from the comfort of our cozy homes).

  3. All vacations worth doing hopefully have as little to do with "normal" as possible. For many people this fact is just too much for them to handle so they blow 10 grand in Hawaii basting in the sun on the beach all day for a week. Yikes! How boring is that being a turkey covered with sand smelling like seafood.
