Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quick Stop

In Lome on our way to Jo'Burg, via Addis.

We picked up 20 more passengers, and for some reason most of them decided that seat assignments were random.

After some crowd control by the cabin crew, we were able to get this party going.

Caleb slept in the bassinet for a long time. Then he decided to poop. Despite Yves' reassurance to the contrary, Kim refused to change him in the airplane bathroom. Yves got a taste of his own medicine when he went to the bathroom with Mariam and came back shortly thereafter, disgusted. Let's just say he won't change her there anymore.

The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful, save for the dude behind us who snored during the entire duration of the flight, and the whole snafu at check-in.

So, to back up the trolley for a minute, we get to the airport in Abidjan, and after checking in, we realize that they put us in all kinds of random seats that differ from our original ones.

After inquiring, we are told that those seats are configured for people traveling with kids. Smelling the turd from miles away, we point out that knowing the airplane in question, it is simply impossible.

At that point, out of nowhere comes this guy who seems to be in charge, takes all our boarding passes, and disappears. A minute later, the front desk agent announces that the flight has closed. Mind you, there are about
15 or so more passengers to check in.

So since it is impossible to know how long this will take, we then say goodbye to family, and wait. After a while, the mysterious man comes back from back there, and suddenly the system is back on. You see where I am going with this.

Today our struggle will be to get a revised boarding pass for Kim so we can sit next to each other, which was the orginal plan until that somehow changed. Thankfully I am in good spirit since the Ivory Coast tied with Portugal, and North Korea found a way to score against Brazil.
